Welcome to the games section!!
This section is dedicated to gamers and to those who just want to find info. This section will held all platform, from SNES(if somehow we got the material to write) to XBOX 360 and PS3(which currently I don't have). So here we will tried to cover new games and also old games especially those which are famous whether because it's good or bad.
As you know, there are too many games too cover in this world. And we only get limited time and energy("So much to do, so little time" always love that line^^). So, we're here asking for your help. If you play some game and feel like you can write a review or some short guide, send it to us. We will appreciate your help. Here we will receive every things about games, review, trailer review, preview, guide, cheat, or news about new games.
Thank you for your attention. We will look forward to your contribution. If you want to contribute, send me an e-mail at d_broken_soul@yahoo.co.id
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