Well, right now most of the moviegoers have heard or seen The Mist ending. And as you know the ending was surprising. With the main character shot 4 other people including his own boy. It's make the audience divided to two groups, the first is "WTF!!!" group and the other is "Love it!!" group. The Mist ending was surprising, even for expert moviegoers.
For a quick guide, The Mist is a movie released in 2007. It's an adaptation of a novella with same title by the famous horror author, Stephen King. This novella was released back then around 1980s. But, here's some news. The ending in King's book is different from the movie's. It's revealed that Frank Darabont, the director of The Mist, is the one responsible of this.
Frank Darabont was directing some of King's adaptation movie before, like The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Miles. The mist is his 4th Stephen King movie adaptation. Darabont said that he has this ending after reading the book. He said that his ending is more definitif than the original. So, when he propose the script, he's using his version of ending, saying that he has this ending in his head for 20 years. It was said that a studio offer him $30 million budget, IF he change his ending. So, he went to other studio with half of the budget. Although many people hard to recieve that kind of ending, the author, King, himself said that he love this ending. He said that if he had think about it before, he would use it as his novella ending.
Here's the different between the movie ending and the novella ending:
After they managed to get out from the supermarket and get to the car, they went on without any certain destination. Eventually they ran out of gas and still haven't see the end of the mist. Giving up hope, think that they've tried, and think that killed by the monsters is a horrible dead, they choose to kill themself. David, our main character, then kill all the survivor, including his son. He then become the only survivor because the bullet is not enough. He came out from the car and cries, want to get killed by the monsters. Then, soon after, he heard a huge sound which turn out a march of soldier with survivor and tanks. He screaming and cries loud as the soldiers past him.
They managed to get out from the store and get to the car. After going south far away, they decided to take refugee on a hotel to spent the night. There they listen to radio, which didn't catch anything. Suddenly, in the middle of overwhelming static, David hears one word, "Hartford". Feeling like they have a little hope, they go to Hartford, whitout knowing what await them...
So, that's it. That's the different. The movie left with a difinitive ending, while the novella left with an open-ended ending. It's all up to you, which is better....
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